How To Get Paid To Travel the World?

Written by Edwina Koch | Apr 21, 2020 1:28:12 PM

When you’re young and don’t know what to do with your life, traveling and living abroad is often the first thought. Let’s face it, it can be hard to live at your parents house. What, with all the interrogation about your future…

«What your plans are for next year?»

However, traveling abroad can be expensive, complicated and hugely unknown. Here are 6 ways to get paid to travel the world.


WWOOFing stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. It is an exchange between farms 🐄 and people who want to travel. You get your accommodation and food covered as long as you are willing to wake up ☀️ at the crack of dawn and work!

There are many different types of farms 👩‍🌾 where you can work. Plus, it’s easy to sign up. The fee is about €30, but after that, it is easy to find a host family who will take you in as a WWOOFer for 1 week or up to 1 year!


Au Pairing 

On our blog, you’ll find many other posts about the life of an au pair. This is, in our opinion, one of the best ways to get paid to travel ✈️ the world.

You watch kids 👶 and get your housing, food, insurance, and transport paid for by your host family. In addition, you also get pocket money 💲 each week. You also have lots of free time to pursue personal projects! You can be an au pair almost anywhere in the world!

To get more information about the au pair program, come and join the Butrfly team for free at our next webinar 👇



This option might be more difficult to organise because it requires you finding a company who will allow you to work abroad 🌍. That said, there are some companies such as My Internship Abroad, Global Work & Travel,  or IES who organise internships 💼 in different countries for students and young people who want to travel.

You can also go on LinkedIn or other job posting sites 💻 and find jobs that way. Again, it’s more difficult to follow this option, but it’s doable with enough effort! 


Work Away 

Work Away is similar to WWOOFing, but more open and flexible.

In other words, you may end up doing many different types of jobs in exchange for accommodation and food. For example, watching kids 🍼, helping an elderly person, gardening 🌱, handy work, etc. You can really do anything that your host family needs you to do!

It’s a great way to work minimally and to get paid 💶 to live abroad for an extended period of time. Pay a fee on the site and then you can get access to all the travel opportunities across the world! 



This may not seem like it’s not a paid option, but actually you can study 🏫 for cheap in some countries and the «student visa» option can allow you to work on the side of your studies 📚.

In France for example, you can work up to 20 hours on a student visa. If you take language courses, this counts as study and you may not pay that much for your courses! Also, higher education France, in general, is wildly affordable – if not free! 


Working Holiday Visa 

⚠️ Check the rules between your country and the country you are traveling to. It completely depends on each country and your originally nationality. However, you can sometimes find working holiday visas which will allow you to live abroad for 12-18 months and work any job you can find!

This option requires a bit of research on your part, but once you get your working holiday visa, you can 🛫 go abroad and apply to jobs on the spot!  

For more information, check us out on Instagram or to make your free profile to get paid to travel the world!  

👉 Read «4 Top Money Tips for Au Pairs» as well.