Is it possible to be an au pair in winter?

Written by Laurie | Nov 23, 2021 12:04:52 PM

You want an au pair experience but you don't know if there’s still time to apply because it's not summer or back to school time anymore. Do you have to wait until June to have your au pair life? ⚠️ Spoiler : No, you don't have to wait, do it now!

Why can you be an au pair for winter?

Ski time is back in the mountains of France, that means a lot of tourists and families on their holidays. It's a season full of activities for restaurants, hotels, obviously ski resorts and more. Some host parents working as ski instructors, chefs, bartenders or other winter jobs are going to have busy days around November. They will have so many things to do for work. In winter, they are overbooked and need some help with their children.

Our host families look for someone to assist them with the house during this season. It could be you! If you haven’t applied yet, there is still time. Are you hesitant? You're not sure about the region? It’s a nice place to live, with a lot of cities to discover and so many activities to try. For more information, we wrote a whole article about things to do and areas to visit in the Alps.

As a reminder, even with parents busy at work, they are going to manage their schedule to let you have some free time. Plus, kids are going to be at school for most of the day, except for Christmas Holiday (from 18th December to 2nd January) and two weeks in February or March, depending on the area of France.


Being an au pair in France for a short stay

The ski season can last from November - April, depending on the region. You love skiing? You want to learn? Or just explore the mountains with the snowing scenery? Winter is a short season, so that's your chance to do it. Plus, if you're just looking to have a short tester experience to see if you enjoy au pairing, this is the perfect way to do it. You can stay in the country without any visa for at least 3 months and try au pairing again another time if you want.

But maybe you don’t know why being an au pair could be beneficial for you? What motivation do you need? This article is for you. Even if you don't really need a reason strictly speaking, you may just want to go for it. So if you want to experience an au pair life for a short stay, now is a brilliant time to do it. Plus, during winter, our country is really different compared to summer, it’s a great opportunity to discover France and its beautiful winter scenery. You really should take the plunge.


Good to know

Host families prefer an au pair with a driving license. Actually, in the mountains there is not a lot of public transport like bus, tramway or anything, so to go to school or pick kids up you will probably need to drive.